Tag: Holiness

Love has a purpose. Know what it is?

Ask any Christian what holiness means, and you may get a range of answers. If you ask a conservative Presbyterian (like a PCA or Orthodox Presbyterian), you will get one answer. Ask a liberal or progressive Presbyterian, like Presbyterian USA, and you will get a quite different Presbyterian answer. Ask an Assembly of God (AoG) member, and you will probably get a quite different answer. Ask a Nazarene and you will probably get an answer much like the AoG Christian (because their roots come from the same holiness movement). If you ask a few Southern Baptists and you will get the full range of answers since the Southern Baptists aren’t quite as homogenous as the other denominations. So, that leaves us with a question with no singular answer.

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My story in brief…

Christ first came into my life at the age of 5 during a series of evangelistic meetings in our tiny country Quaker church house in Gate, Oklahoma. Since then it has been a process of “Stumbling forward by grace, through faith in Christ.” I experienced a significant personal revival at the age of 19 and have been much in love with the Lord ever since…five decades-plus.

My passion is to enjoy the Lord by encouraging others to make progress in their lives…living life successfully. I do that primarily through my disciple-making efforts and through my writing.

I spent about 20 years in public ministry and at the age of 40 decided that I had allowed my passion for ministry to impede my prior duty to my family, so I stepped aside. I found a new career as a financial advisor and now make my living serving my financial planning clients.

I now consider myself to be a bi-vocational minister of the gospel.

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