Tag: DMM

We live in a kingdom labor shortage

Researchers tell us the church in the West, and particularly in the United States, is in major decline, and the younger generations have written it off. Because of this, many church leaders have a “Woe is me” attitude toward the church’s future. There is even a very depressing book titled “The Great Evangelical Recession” by John S. Dickerson. I’ve not read it yet, but I have read comments about it. Taken from the proper perspective, it can be helpful because it is always best to view the situation with facts and not just pie-in-the-sky hopes and positive attitudes.

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Praying for a Disciple-Making Movement

Exactly what is a Disciple-Making Movement (DMM)? Why pray for one? There are a few different definitions of DMM, but they all fall somewhere in the range of the definition I will quote here from Jerry Trousdale and Glen Sunshine’s book, The Kingdom Unleashed. “Disciple Making Movement (DMM): a process of disciples making disciples, and churches planting at least 100 churches, with four or more generations of replication.”

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My story in brief…

Christ first came into my life at the age of 5 during a series of evangelistic meetings in our tiny country Quaker church house in Gate, Oklahoma. Since then it has been a process of “Stumbling forward by grace, through faith in Christ.” I experienced a significant personal revival at the age of 19 and have been much in love with the Lord ever since…five decades-plus.

My passion is to enjoy the Lord by encouraging others to make progress in their lives…living life successfully. I do that primarily through my disciple-making efforts and through my writing.

I spent about 20 years in public ministry and at the age of 40 decided that I had allowed my passion for ministry to impede my prior duty to my family, so I stepped aside. I found a new career as a financial advisor and now make my living serving my financial planning clients.

I now consider myself to be a bi-vocational minister of the gospel.

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