If you’re like most of my readers, you are a Christian, and you care about your faith. You have all the challenges of being human and are susceptible to doubt, frustration, and discouragement. You also know that Christ is your strength, and you are designed to glorify God by enjoying him forever. What we all need is encouragement in Christ. That is why I am here to encourage you in your faith in Jesus Christ and keep it real. I do believe we are best equipped to live real life when we are strong because we have been built up by the Word of God, a devotional approach to real life!

I am convinced that my writing won’t change you and won’t lift you up, but the Word of God will. Therefore, I take a little different approach to devotional writing than some. I will post a substantial portion of Scripture and then make my comments on it. The goal, with the help of the Holy Spirit, is to share things that will provide insight into the Scripture. Hopefully, you will experience the illumination of the Holy Spirit, making the Word of God come alive to you anew. I will post one of these devotional meditations once a week.

The word Devotional written in vintage letterpress type

I will also post simple words of encouragement on some topic of interest to you (or me!). If there are topics of interest to you, please let me know so I can address your interests.

I believe a lot of value will come as you post your comments to what I have posted, and other readers will have the opportunity to interact with your feedback. The Bible teaches that we are to encourage one another. The comments section is how we can do “one another” encouragement on this site. I invite you to make your positive responses or ask your honest questions so your fellow believers can share their experience and knowledge of God. We will build one another up.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

-Ephesians 4:29