Category: Weekly Devotional

justice is!

Justice is a frequently used word these days, especially when referred to as social justice. Unfortunately, there are various definitions of what justice is. In the popular culture of the West, it is most often understood in terms of social justice as defined by the political left, especially those of the more radical variety. It is nearly synonymous with Critical Race Theory and has become the setting for battles in State Houses with new legislation outlawing that kind of “justice.”

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Live Like Jesus

Thomas a Kempis, in the years 1418-1427 wrote a book called The Imitation of Christ. It had a profound effect on the church up until the Reformation. I don’t want to endorse the contents of the book, but I do like the title. At least, if you understand it the way I mean it. I believe Jesus showed us a pattern for how to live and if we follow it, we will have a very fruitful life.

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Faith in Jesus is a progressive journey

Jesus has called us to make disciples. It is helpful to know how that happens. The image we get from observing people coming to faith at mass evangelism crusades like those of Billy Graham or, more currently, Harvest Crusades led by Greg Laurie make it appear that faith in Jesus just happened instantaneously on the spot. And, I will admit, that it may happen that way for some people. However, that is not what we find in the example of the official from Capernaum.

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My story in brief…

Christ first came into my life at the age of 5 during a series of evangelistic meetings in our tiny country Quaker church house in Gate, Oklahoma. Since then it has been a process of “Stumbling forward by grace, through faith in Christ.” I experienced a significant personal revival at the age of 19 and have been much in love with the Lord ever since…five decades-plus.

My passion is to enjoy the Lord by encouraging others to make progress in their lives…living life successfully. I do that primarily through my disciple-making efforts and through my writing.

I spent about 20 years in public ministry and at the age of 40 decided that I had allowed my passion for ministry to impede my prior duty to my family, so I stepped aside. I found a new career as a financial advisor and now make my living serving my financial planning clients.

I now consider myself to be a bi-vocational minister of the gospel.

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